Christian students condemn Government's plan for tuition fees

Written by Super User 15 Oct 2010

The Student Christian Movement (SCM) have reacted with anger to plans to lift the cap on university tuition fees in England. SCM, which is Britain’s oldest national student organisation, described its opposition to tuition fees as ‘an issue of justice’. SCM said a fee increase would deter students from lower-income backgrounds. They also contrasted ministers’ reluctance to fund higher education with government plans to spend billions renewing the Trident nuclear weapons system. The Movement’s comments follow the Browne Review into higher education funding, which recommended on 12 October that universities should be able to charge unlimited fees. Business Secretary Vince Cable said the government accepts the ‘main thrust’ of the proposals. The Coalition agreement allows Liberal Democrats to abstain in votes on university funding, but some have already said that they will vote against, raising the prospect of a defeat for the Government. The party's Deputy Leader, Simon Hughes, declined to confirm that he will abstain.

Pray: that the conflict of finance versus educational opportunity is resolved amicably. (Mt. 18:1-14)


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