Christian printer faces being sued by gay magazine

Written by Super User 08 Apr 2013

The Christian owner of a printing firm in Northern Ireland faces being hauled to court over his refusal to print a gay magazine. Nick Williamson, who is being advised by The Christian Institute, says printing the material would go against his religious beliefs. But the editor of MyGayZine, Danny Toner, has approached a solicitor and referred the matter to the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. Mr Williamson was asked to provide a cost estimate for printing the magazine, timed to coincide with a gay rights march in Belfast. But in an email to Mr Toner, Mr Williamson said he did “not feel comfortable” taking the job on because it “would be in contradiction to my own faith”. Mr Williamson had initially explained: “Unfortunately due to the nature of the magazine we are unable to give a quote.” But Mr Toner said “If we can take the printer to court, we will”.

Pray: for understanding and respect of each others views that will resolve this matter without litigation. (Ro.8:7)


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