Christian groups defend school work against proselytisation accusations

Written by Super User 19 Oct 2013

Christians have defended their work in schools following strong criticism and accusations of proselytisation from the National Secular Society. The NSS claims in its new report, 'Evangelism in state schools', that publicly funded schools are being ‘targeted and exploited’ by evangelical Christian groups with the aim of converting young people to the faith. ‘We do not doubt that pupils' education can be enhanced by the input made by external contributors, but it appears clear from the evidence that many external school visitors are primarily concerned with evangelisation rather than education,’ the report states. The NSS says parents and schools should be ‘deeply concerned’ by evangelical Christian groups providing religious education, school worship, pastoral work, prayer spaces and Bible-based clubs in state schools ‘without parents' knowledge and with little, if any, opportunity for withdrawal’.

Pray: that the work of Christians will not be stopped because of the NSS claims but that God will continue to bless them. (Ps.67:7)



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