Christian GP appointed to Govt drugs panel

Written by Super User 01 Feb 2011

A Christian doctor who takes a firm line against drug use has been appointed to sit on the Government’s Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD). Dr Hans-Christian Raabe has said that children should simply be taught to say 'no' to drugs. The move is seen as a change in direction for the panel, which has focussed on a ‘harm reduction’ approach until now. Dr Raabe has preferred to focus on prevention and made his views clear in a briefing to MPs. ‘Harm reduction has its place’, the GP said, ‘but I’m concerned that it’s the only policy being advocated. In schools, for example, where the majority of children don’t take drugs, we still need a prevention approach.’ Dr Raabe has advocated that strong family life is key to addressing all these matters: ‘Marriage is associated with greater happiness, less depression, less alcohol abuse and less smoking’.

Pray: that objections to this appointment will be quietened and that Dr Raabe will be able to bring quality argument to the work of the ACMD. (Ex.23:21)


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