Christian doctor goes to EU Court of Justice

Written by Super User 19 Nov 2010

Sheila Matthews, a paediatrician of 18 years, sat on an adoption panel and asked to abstain from voting on whether children should be placed with homosexual couples, due to her Christian beliefs. This resulted in her being dismissed as a medical adviser by Northamptonshire County Council. After a campaign led by Christian Concern she was reinstated in her job yet she was no longer allowed to continue as a full member of the adoption panel.This meant that she lost the opportunity to put vulnerable children in loving homes and her career was restricted. Sheila resigned this March because she felt that she could no longer work somewhere where she was denied the opportunity to fully use her skills. She has effectively been excluded from practising her vocation due to her Christian views. On Wednesday Shelia applied to be heard at the European Court of Justice mounting the legal challenge to determine whether professional medical advice regarding the child’s ‘best interests’ is ‘negated’ by ‘homosexual rights.’ Her case was heard before an Employment Tribunal in Leicester Tuesday.

Pray: for the British Isles to adopt the best possible Christian options and practice for children and for religious and professional freedom for Christians in the workplace. (Job 6:29)


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