Christian Aid Week raises money to tackle global poverty

Written by Super User 19 May 2011

The annual fundraising event Christian Aid Week has got off to a ‘tremendous start’, say supporters in churches and communities across the country. Christian Aid is a UK-based churches' international relief, development and advocacy agency. It acts on behalf of over 40 denominations and church bodies - but its ethos is to carry out anti-poverty work alongside partners of all faiths and none, in many parts of the world. Its emphasis is on ground-up solutions. In 2011, Christian Aid Week is aiming to raise more than £13 million for poor communities across the globe. Around 200,000 people are expected to take part all over Britain, going door-to-door collecting, joining in with sponsored events, holding novel fundraisers or simply donating online. Many Christian Aid supporters also try to raise awareness as well as funds - though in an economically constrained environment, bringing money to the cause obviously remains vital. For information and resources follow link: See 

Pray: that people would be generous in proportion to their resources. (Pro.22:9)


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