Climate change and prayer

Written by David Fletcher 05 Aug 2021
Climate change and prayer

On 23 September many people across the British Isles, young and not so young, will be interceding for the 196 nations and around 30,000 negotiators in the COP26 climate change conference from 31 October to 12 November. There have been numerous pre-conference prayer gatherings via Zoom for many months. Prayer changes things and we need to pray for climate changes. May many more catch the vision of lifting the Lordship of Jesus over all planned and unplanned meetings throughout the conference. May it accelerate the phasing-out of coal and peat, curtail deforestation, speed up the switch to electric vehicles, and encourage investment in renewables. Pray also for countries to make good on their promises to mobilise at least $100bn climate finance per year by 2020. For further information, click the ‘More’ button.

Additional Info

  • Pray: for the momentum of prayer to build as the conference draws nearer. May God hear every cry for His world. (2 Chronicles 7:14)