Call for overhaul of Gift Aid system

Written by Super User 11 Sep 2010

The public policy think tank ResPublica has called for a ‘radical’ overhaul of the Gift Aid system to bring it up to speed with the digital age. It said the system was ‘antiquated’ and ‘bureaucratic’ and that it was ‘an anomaly in this day and age’ that charities are still unable to claim Gift Aid online. A new report warned that charities were losing out on as much as £750 million each year because of the current paper-based system. It claims that the current system places unnecessary burdens on HMRC and individual charities and is so inefficient that the cost to the taxpayer of processing each claim amounts to around £5. The think tank said that the high administrative costs had created a ‘perverse disincentive’ for the Treasury to encourage more people to use Gift Aid on their donations. It wants the current system to be digitised to make it easier for charities to claim Gift Aid.

Pray: for more efficient systems to ensure a greater part of donations being effectively used. (2Cor.8:20-21)


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