Call for change to public order law

Written by Super User 11 Nov 2010

Christian hoteliers from Liverpool who were subjected to a criminal trial because of comments they made about Islam have called for a change to the law. Ben and Sharon Vogelenzang, declared innocent last December, were prosecuted under Section 5 of the Public Order Act after a female Muslim guest complained that she had been offended by their comments. To protect other Christians from a similar ordeal, the Vogelenzangs have encouraged Christians to visit their MP and ask for the word ‘insulting’ to be removed from the Public Order Act as part of the Coalition’s forthcoming Freedom Bill. ‘We stood trial, accused of a crime. It was awful. After a two-day hearing, the judge threw out the case against us. As Christians we should help each other. We want to help people by making sure that this can’t happen again to anyone else.’

Pray: for Christians to have freedom of expression without fear of prosecution. (Mt.24:14)


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