CAFOD challenges supermarkets and government on hunger

Written by Super User 19 Nov 2012

Catholic aid agency CAFOD has launched a new food campaign to hundreds of supporters at Westminster Cathedral in London. 250 campaigners from all over England and Wales met to launch a new initiative that aims to improve the food system. The campaign highlights the fact that a handful of supermarkets and food companies dominate the food system, making the rules that decide cost, price and standards. They often also control access to vital resources such as land, seeds and water. Yet 50 per cent of the world’s food is grown by small-scale farmers in developing countries. With little power in the global food supply chain, these farmers are often forced to agree to big companies’ demands regardless of how unfair they may be. The Hungry for Change campaign is calling for fundamental changes in the global food system so that power is more justly shared between rich and poor people, and more people can have access to enough food.

Pray: for the Hungry for Change Campaign to be well supported and have a very real impact in bringing about change to the global food food system.. (Pr.14:31 )


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