British Military in Afghanistan

Written by Super User 29 Mar 2012

On Sunday, 25 March, a member of the Afghan National Army opened fire at the entrance gate to the British headquarters in Lashkar Gar city, killing the two British service personnel and injuring a third. On Tuesday, 27 March, 11 suicide jackets were seized inside the Ministry of Defence in Kabul and 18 people arrested including some Afghan National Army soldiers. This puts incredible pressure on our personnel, in areas which should be ‘safe’. Our servicemen work closely with Afghan police and troops but these attacks serve to make our personnel more fearful.

Pray: that God will protect our service personnel and help them remain vigilant at all times. That He will guide them through the long hours on duty and that wherever they are, they can rest in the knowledge that the Lord is covering them. (Ps.91)


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