Britain’s woes require sacrifice from all

Written by Super User 17 Jan 2011

With austerity being the talk of the day, the Bishop of Bath and Wells has challenged the church to step up and be the ‘bigger society’ at a time when sacrifice is being asked of all. Preaching in Wells Cathedral last Sunday, the Rt Rev Peter Price said: ‘Nationally we face the ongoing realities of overseas conflict, a war economy, a national debt, difficult decisions by government, calling all of us to sacrifice. For some the sacrifice will be all too real in terms of lost jobs, homes, even futures. In any democracy, calls for sacrifice to meet pressing realities require the trust of people that government will keep covenant – faith – to fulfil its obligations of serving the common good, and the possibility of a ‘better future for everyone’. Here we find sure ground for faith, firm support for hope, and the basis of a society in which trust, neighbourliness and humanity is found’.

Pray: that the Government and electorate will keep faith with each other to ensure fairness to all. (Isa.26:2)


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