Britain: Muslim TV hate preachers ‘inciting murder’

Written by Super User 29 Aug 2013

An Islamic television channel has been hit with a hefty fine after a Muslim hate preacher told viewers, live on air, that it was the duty of all Muslims to murder anyone who shows disrespect for the Prophet Mohammed. Noor TV, a British-based Satellite Television Channel that broadcasts programmes about Islam throughout Europe, was fined $115,000 by the British broadcasting regulator known as Ofcom for inciting people to commit murder. Ofcom said the fine imposed on August 21 was so large due to ‘the serious nature of the breaches of the Broadcasting Code.’ It said young Muslims watching Noor TV could become ‘radicalized’ and take ‘violent and criminal action as a result of watching videos of Muslims with extreme views.’ The programme in question, Paigham-e-Mustafa, is a talk show aimed at young British Muslims with questions about a wide range of issues and personal conduct relating to Islam and Islamic teachings.

Pray: against this trend to radicalize Muslims and incite murder. (Mt.5:21)



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