Britain third biggest porn host after Netherland and the U.S.

Written by Super User 08 Aug 2013

Britain hosts the third biggest volume of internet pornography in the world and is home to more than half a million sites, according to a shocking survey. There are more than 52million pages of pornographic content in the country, including rape websites registered under the national domain name which ends The revelation that Britain is one of the most popular worldwide locations to host adult websites will intensify pressure on the Government to provide an opt-out system for online porn. There are no restrictions on pornographers registering their sites under Britain’s domain name, for which a private company called Nominet UK is responsible. John Carr, a government adviser on child internet safety, called on Nominet to ban websites containing certain words like rape and said the ‘free for all’ should end. He said that all porn sites should be under the domain name .xxx and declared: ‘The UK should not provide succour and comfort to porn merchants.’ (See also Prayer Alert 30-2013)

Pray: that the Government will move forward their plans to control internet pornography, crime and other misuse. (Col.3:23)


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