Bishop opens drug rehabilitation service

Written by Super User 01 Aug 2013

A new centre to rehabilitate drug addicts in mid-Wales has been officially opened by the Bishop of Swansea and Brecon. The Rt Rev John Davies marked the opening of the Kaleidoscope Centre in Llandrindod Wells with a call for greater understanding of addicts' needs. Bishop Davies said it was too easy to stigmatise people with drug or alcohol addictions

and to blame them for their situation; and that while there may be a small number of people who find themselves in addiction out of choice, there were many more who turn to substance abuse out of despair or because of a failure to cope with the pressures of their lives. The Kaleidoscope ministry began in a Baptist Church in Kingston-upon-Thames in south-east England in the 1960s. It now runs a number of centres across England and Wales. It is a major substance misuse service in South Wales, providing support to people with drug and alcohol problems.

Pray: that the Kaleidoscope ministry in Llandrindod Wells and other centres will bring relief and freedom to those who are addicted. (2Cor.3:17)



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