Bedroom tax should be axed, says UN investigator

Written by Super User 19 Sep 2013

During a visit to the UK the United Nations' special investigator on housing has told the British government it should scrap the bedroom tax, after hearing ‘shocking’ accounts of how the policy was affecting vulnerable citizens. Britain's record on housing was also worsening from a human rights perspective, Raquel Rolnik, the UN special rapporteur on housing, said in a Guardian interview after presenting her preliminary findings to the Government. After speaking to dozens of council house tenants in Britain during her visit over the past fortnight, Rolnik said she was particularly concerned by the impact of bedroom tax, officially known as the new spare room subsidy. The policy was introduced by the Government in April, and is designed to charge tenants extra for under-occupying homes that are supposedly too large for them.

Pray: that the Government will reconsider its decisions on the so called bedroom tax. (Lk.20:22)



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