BBC accused of anti- Christian bias

Written by Super User 20 Jul 2010

The BBC has been forced to defend an East Enders' storyline after outraged viewers accused the Corporation of anti-Christian bias. The complaints centre around a portrayal of a Christian Pentecostal pastor as a deranged killer whose deeds are motivated by his Christian faith. Viewers watched the pastor failing to help his ex-wife when she was dying, strangling a love rival to death and attacking his current wife. Over 100 viewers have now written to the Corporation saying that they find the storyline deeply offensive. The BBC issued a statement defending their controversial plot. Last year Don Maclean claimed that the BBC is keen on programmes which attack churches, and that there was a wider secularist campaign ‘to get rid of Christianity’. Daily Telegraph writer, Damian Thompson, said: ‘We are deep into the realms of BBC bias and ignorance here. Only a BBC drama series would, to quote the complainant, ‘transfer the practice of terrorist beheadings from Islamist radicals to a fantasised group of fundamentalist Christians’.

Pray: that BBC will give a more balanced view of Christians in their future programming. (Ho.14:9)



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