Ban on teacher upheld in name of ‘British tolerance’

Written by Super User 25 Apr 2013

A Science teacher who was barred from teaching after expressing his beliefs on sexual ethics in the classroom has lost his case in the High Court. Robert Haye (43) was dismissed from Deptford Green School after he commented that homosexual practice was a ‘sin’ when responding to questions posed by his Year 11 pupils. The Teaching Agency subsequently placed an indefinite bar on Mr Haye from teaching at any school or sixth form - a ban that was later upheld by Education Secretary Michael Gove. In the first case of its kind, the High Court rejected Mr Haye’s appeal against the ban stating that his comments were ‘inappropriate’ and that he was guilty of unacceptable professional conduct. In delivering the judgment, Mr Justice King said that the school had a policy requiring teachers to present positive information on homosexuality ‘to enable students to challenge derogatory stereotypes and prejudice.’

Pray: for Christian teachers that they will be able to uphold their beliefs in the classroom without prejudice. (2Th.2:13)


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