Ban council's Christian prayers, say secularists

Written by Super User 13 May 2010

A secular campaign group is trying to use the courts to ban a North Devon Council from starting its meetings with Christian prayers. Bideford Town Council has had prayers at its meetings since the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, but now the National Secular Society (NSS) says the practice infringes on the human rights of non-believers. Mike Judge, head of communications at The Christian Institute, said: ‘It’s a tradition that’s gone on for hundreds of years. This is really a move by aggressive atheism trying to shove Christianity out of public life.’ Reports say Bideford Council won’t be able to afford top lawyers to fight the case. But Mr Judge said: ‘The council shouldn’t back down. It isn’t in breach of human rights law. Parliament has prayers, is Parliament illegal?’ A survey by the Daily Mail of 181 councils in England and Wales found 118 start their meetings with a prayer – of which nearly all were Christian.

Pray: For Bideford Council as they defend their right to start meetings with prayer. (1Ti.2:8)


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