Atheist help for clergy closet unbelievers

Written by Super User 24 Oct 2011

Atheists recently went public with a new website aimed at creating a community for clergy who have lost their faith. The Clergy Project has grown to nearly 100 members since the launch of a private, invitation only, website in March. The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Science and Reason and the Freedom From Religion Foundation have now made the project public in hopes of drawing more pastors, priests, rabbis and other religious leaders who have chosen to ‘move beyond faith’. ‘We know there must be thousands of clergy out there who have secretly abandoned their faith but have nowhere to turn,’ said Dan Barker, a former evangelical preacher who now serves as co-president of FFRF. ‘Now they do have a place to meet, a true sanctuary, a congregation of those of us who have replaced faith and dogma with reason and human well-being.’

Pray: for all clergy who are finding faith challenging and pray that the Holy Spirit would bring fresh revelation. (Eph.1:17)


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