Archbishop of York on sex trafficking

Written by Super User 11 Sep 2010

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, has spoken out on the issue of sex trafficking, criticising the Government for opting out of an EU directive on the issue. Speaking in the Yorkshire Post he said: ‘According to the International Labour Organisation there are at least 2.45 million people in forced labour globally as a result of people trafficking. A large proportion (43%) is trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation, and an overwhelming majority of those sold into this sex trade (98%) are women or girls. Sex trafficking is nothing more than modern day slavery. This is women being exploited, degraded and subjected to horrific risks solely for the gratification and economic greed of others. I am therefore stunned to learn that the Government are ‘opting out’ of an EU directive designed to tackle sex trafficking. We need to join with our European brothers and sisters and put an end to this evil trade.’

Pray: for the Government to take a more pro-active role with Europe to stamp out this vile trade. (Isa.1:4)


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