Archbishop calls faithful to self-denial during Lent

Written by Super User 10 Mar 2011

In his pastoral letter to the Catholic Church, the Archbishop said repentance, self-denial, almsgiving and prayer were ‘part of the recipe’ for Lent. He said the season helped believers prepare to celebrate afresh ‘the great events of our faith’ – the suffering, death and resurrection of Christ. He asked Christians to think about how they could get involved and ‘learn again all that separates us from Christ’. Prayer too is crucial, he said, admitting that many Christians could find it difficult to commit to a period of prayer and reflection but encouraged them to ‘try it and see’. ‘I am fully aware of the pressure on time which we all feel. It is difficult to fit more into a busy routine,’ he said. ‘Yet Lent itself helps us to address this issue. Creating moments and times of space for prayer and reflection gives us new vitality and focus with which to return to our routine obligations.’

Pray: for us all to heed this message irrespective of denomination and to use Lent as a time for prayer and reflection. (Ps.141:2)


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