Hope for the Countryside in December

Written by David Fletcher 28 Nov 2019
Hope for the Countryside in December

None of the possible outcomes of the election will bring immediate peace and tranquility in rural areas, where farmers and small businesses face continued uncertainty. Across the nation many are anxious and fearful, including candidates facing intimidation and death threats as well as anti-Semitism against the Jewish community. Pray that believers will search the scriptures, understand the times, and pray in accordance with God’s ways and will about these issues. Pray that Christians will shine as lights in the darkness and bring a message of trust against the fear and hope against despair. Pray for God’s mercy on our nation, which mostly does not acknowledge Him. Farmers also ask for urgent prayer for their industry: so much depends on our food production, and there is a serious disconnect between producer and consumer. Pray also about climate change, safety, mental health, and the need for a strong rural economy.

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