2012 a year of prayer for the UK.

Written by Super User 05 Jan 2012

Praying for your workplace is powerful - through prayer, organisational culture, relationships, management style, the bottom line, can all be impacted. But prayer is hard work. The group PrayerWorks seeks to support and network workplace pray-ers, sharing creative ways to pray and the stories of God's intervention, so that we don't lose heart. Instead we are re-envisioned and re-energised to come before the God who answers prayer. Paul exhorts the Thessalonians to 'pray continually'. PrayerWorks is trusting that the Spirit will re-envision Christians through the celebration of answered prayer, and that we will experience a renewed awareness of God's presence and activity in our places of work. All are invited to join the journey, and let 2012 be a year of prayer for the transformation of our organisations and their impact in the world.

Pray: for God's will for commerce and industry throughout the British Isles in 2012. (1Thes.5:16-18)

More: http://www.licc.org.uk/prayerworks/

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