Hope for the countryside

Written by David Fletcher 04 Apr 2019
Hope for the countryside

Christians throughout the countryside will be celebrating the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus this Easter. Pray that the God of hope will fill them with all joy and peace as they delight in Him, so that they may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray also that many people will be drawn into the celebration through various services and activities held across this special time, and that they too might come to know the hope of the good news about Christ (Luke 9:6). As Brexit grinds on, rural affairs are not high on the political agenda; nevertheless they continue to present deep-seated policy challenges, prompting recent calls for a new post-Brexit comprehensive rural strategy to address issues such as infrastructure, labour shortage, housing and health care. Pray for wisdom for those in government and NGOs who are shaping policies and programmes for rural renewal.

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