Archbishop: tax wealthy families to help the poor

Written by David Fletcher 07 Sep 2018
Archbishop: tax wealthy families to help the poor

Justin Welby recently said, ‘We need profound change so that our economy works for everyone. The UK has plenty to be proud about. But work no longer keeps some people from poverty. Young people are struggling. We have deep regional divides. We want everyone to flourish in a cohesive, strong and resilient society. As a Christian, I’m speaking about economic justice today, because Jesus calls us to work for the common good and seek the welfare of everyone in society, especially the most vulnerable.’ On 5 September a report which was co-written by the Archbishop stated that Britain's economy is broken and radical action is needed to reduce 'damaging wealth inequality'. He wants to rake in an extra £9 billion a year by shaking up inheritance tax and making multinationals like Starbucks and Amazon pay more tax on their profits, as well as other innovative proposals to fund a higher minimum wage and pay handouts to help the young buy homes.

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