Lord Sacks challenges the nation

Written by David Fletcher 27 Apr 2018
Lord Sacks challenges the nation

Lord Sacks recently commented on Radio 4, ‘I have been doing Thought for the Day for thirty years, and never thought that in 2018 I would still have to speak about anti-Semitism’. He was born after the Holocaust and recalled people saying ‘never again’. But in 2018 anti-Semitism is debated in parliament and is a focus for the Labour Party. Anti-Semitic incidents have risen to their highest level since records began in 1984, averaging four a day. Lord Sacks said, ‘This is not the Britain I know and love’. He reminded listeners that anti-Semitism is not confined to Britain. ‘Jews in almost every European country no longer feel safe. This is within living memory of the Holocaust, when 1.5 million children were murdered simply because their grandparents were Jews. All it takes for something bad to flourish is for good people to do nothing.’

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