British Isles
Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali has warned that Britain is no longer a free society where conscience is respected. Speaking at the Christian Broadcasting Council’s annual conference, the bishop warned that ‘encroaching totalitarianism’ was threatening respect for conscience.…
The recent judgment in the case of Owen and Eunice Johns provoked huge national interest and wide scale media coverage. The Judgment highlighted once again the difficulties that Christians can encounter when attempting to participate in…
Nearly two thirds (63 per cent) of the British public believe if a child is taught Religious Education (RE) at school, then they are more likely to be tolerant towards other faiths and cultures as an…
A disturbing number of children - some as young as 11 - are taking pornographic images of themselves and swapping them with friends via text messages or the internet, experts warn. A survey reveals that 40…
Another financial crisis threatens unless tougher banking regulations are introduced and borrowers learn to live within their means, the Association of Christian Financial Advisers has warned. ACFA Aidan Vaughan attacked the more aggressive activities of investment…
A teacher training pack, supported by a Government agency, says boys in primary schools should be encouraged to try on dresses or dance with pompoms in the cheerleading team. The pack is produced by Stonewall, Britain’s…