British Isles
The Office of National Statistics (ONS) has changed the frequency with which figures are published concerning children born outside of wedlock. Critics say that the changes are part of continued efforts to marginalise marriage as an…
Members of the British Parliament are looking at a plan to require that all women in England considering an abortion undergo pre-abortion counselling - a move they say could stop as many as 60,000 abortions annually.…
The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has changed its mind over how it will intervene in the four cases of discrimination against Christians that will be heard in Europe soon. (See Prayer Alert 23-2011 &…
Are Christians being marginalised in public life? Is it becoming more difficult to speak freely or be authentically Christian in the workplace? What does the law actually have to say about these issues? These are just…
Premier Christian Radio and Premier Gospel Radio have launched an advertising campaign to lift morale in the nation’s capital in the wake of the riots. Posters will appear in parts of the city that saw the…
The housing and homelessness charity Shelter has launched a new advertising campaign to encourage people facing housing problems to seek earlier advice. The campaign aims to tackle a common reluctance to do this: a survey carried…