Displaying items by tag: United Kingdom

Thursday, 07 March 2019 22:56

National Call to Prayer on 28 March - reminder

There will be a national week of prayer around the day we are due to leave the EU. This is an initiative, inspired by some Christians working in the Government, to invite Christians to come together to pray for our nation, without a political agenda - just praying for God's will to be done - at this key time in our nation's history. Individuals who cannot join others in city gatherings in Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast, and London are invited to host a prayer event in their church, village, town or city. Pray for the nation to be mobilised in powerful intercession. To find a prayer event near you, or register your event, go to

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 07 March 2019 22:53

Brexit vote just 17 days before Brexit

Theresa May is considering Labour’s demands for a parliamentary vote on the UK’s future EU relationship as the price for backing her Brexit deal in her battles with Conservative Eurosceptics. She needs another 110 votes to get her deal through the House of Commons. Labour said the package of greater guarantees for workers after Brexit, unveiled on 6 March, will convince a few to vote for her withdrawal bill; but she could win dozens more representing leave-voting areas with a parliamentary vote on the future relationship with the EU. The view from Brussels is pessimistic, and many believe a delay to Brexit day is likely. Five EU diplomats said, on condition of anonymity, ‘Not much is moving. The UK keeps insisting on the same things, time limit and unilateral exit. We keep explaining why this can’t happen.’ Bulgaria's foreign affairs minister said, ‘We are open to an extension of Article 50, but it should be with a clear firm orderly Brexit.’ See

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 07 March 2019 22:50

CofE Farsi communion service

The growth of the Persian Christian community across the UK has prompted the Church of England to publish a Farsi translation of the Holy Communion service. They held the first Persian worship celebration in Birmingham on 2 March, saying it is a gift that demonstrates their commitment to welcome Iranians into the life of the Church of England. All Anglican churches with people from Iran in their congregations were invited to bring Persians, English, and those from other backgrounds. Although Farsi is the official language of Iran, a number of other languages are spoken. 75% of Farsi speakers also speak one of these other languages. We can pray for the Farsi mother-tongue believers to enter the mission field and reveal God’s love to the Kurds, the Lurs, and other Turkic language groups. See

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 07 March 2019 22:47

World Special Olympics games

Special Olympics GB provides year-round, all-ability, sports programmes for over 10,000 athletes with intellectual disabilities. Each year across England, Scotland and Wales, approximately 27,000 regular sports coaching sessions of at least one hour are delivered across 28 different sports. This coaching leads to an annual average of 100 all-ability, inclusive sports competitions. There are four levels of competition events within Special Olympics; local, regional, national and international. By entering competitions at one level, athletes earn the right to be considered for higher levels. From 14 to 21 March a team representing Special Olympics Great Britain will compete in the 2019 World Games in Abu Dhabi. Please pray and ask God to keep them safe and free from stress in travel and adjusting to a strange country and hot climate. See

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 07 March 2019 22:45

Holocaust memorial in Westminster under threat

Plans for a new Holocaust memorial and learning centre in Westminster are currently being strongly opposed. The plans, first announced by David Cameron in 2016, have the backing of every major UK Jewish organisation and 170+ politicians from all political parties. A growing number of people in this country, especially the younger generation, know nothing or very little about the Holocaust, so a vital education centre for that generation risks being lost. The memorial will use 7% of the park, with the education centre underground. Whilst many genuinely oppose the construction without discriminatory motives, there is evidence of anti-Semitism from some opponents. A petition to save the memorial has been posted online, because it ‘could be stopped if we fail to act before the end of March.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 07 March 2019 22:42

Teenage stab victims: rising youth violence

The murders of two 17-year-olds in one weekend have catapulted knife crime back into news headlines. Jodie Chesney’s death stands out because she is the first girl out of ten teenagers who have been killed by knives so far this year. While most victims of murders know their assailant, reports suggest Jodie was stabbed in the back by a stranger in a London park, in a ‘random and unprovoked attack’. Last weekend’s other victim, Yousef Ghaleb Makki, was killed in an affluent Manchester suburb. He attended a private school, and was planning to train as a heart surgeon. These two deaths show that knife violence involving teenagers is not, as is sometimes suggested, a problem confined to boys on tough estates. The homicide rate and the number of teenagers killed with knives in England and Wales is at its highest for a decade.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 07 March 2019 22:40

Drinking and drowning

One in ten people know someone who has drowned and nearly one in five know someone who has nearly drowned. A survey shows that one person drowns every 20 hours, and thousands more have near-drowning experiences, sometimes causing life-changing injuries. Alcohol is a contributor to these statistics. It lowers inhibitions and impairs judgment, causing people to be more likely to take risks and get into trouble. It limits muscle ability, making simple movements much harder, slows down reactions and numbs the sight, sound and touch senses, making swimming very difficult. Over the last five years there have been 1,581 accidental deaths in the UK, and almost 30% of the victims (346) had alcohol in their bloodstream. Don’t Drink and Drown was launched in 2014, following a string of tragic drownings of young people. In 2017 there were 75 alcohol-related drownings, compared to 53 in 2016.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 February 2019 22:27

Insight: what would Jesus do?

A shooting range which provides ‘family fun’ for adults and children aged six and over announced a new target in a tweet. ‘Hot off the press’ showed an image of Shamima Begum and the hashtag ‘no remorse’. 19-year-old Shamima is in a refugee camp, asking to return to the UK after living with IS terrorists for four years. The home secretary removed her British citizenship for the public good, and suggested she apply for Bangladeshi nationality as her mother is a Bangladeshi. There are questions around citizenship, justice and reconciliation in the aftermath of the most brutal conflict so far this century. Our moral reasoning and response to those complicit in IS evil will be debated in the law courts. Our government has responsibilities to protect citizens, administer justice and look after those who have suffered. What would Jesus do? For background, see

(Linda Digby - Prayer Alert team)

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 February 2019 22:24

Stop investing in fossil fuels

The former UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon said he was deeply concerned that the UK’s export credit agency had provided billions of pounds in recent years to support businesses involved in oil and gas schemes around the world. ‘These figures and policies are hard to reconcile with the UK’s commitments under the Paris agreement,’ said Ban, referring to the international climate deal he forged in 2015 as UN chief. ‘The time has come for the UK to change course, in the interests of the whole world,’ he wrote in a comment for the Guardian. Pray that the Government’s priority, at home and abroad, will be to forge opportunities for UK businesses to resist investing in or funding fossil fuel projects. Recent projects supported by the UK include oil and gas fields off the coast of Ghana, a major gas pipeline in Oman, and software for an oil firm in Argentina.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 February 2019 22:21

Self-harm not just an issue for girls

Research has found that 24% of boys aged 16 to 24 in the UK self-harm. Sadly, the culture of men not showing emotions or talking through their emotional concerns has a direct link to the suicide rate in older men. Young men need to talk about their feelings and emotions before they become men who haven’t learnt how to, and feel they have no way of coping but to take their own lives. Self-harm in young men and teenage boys may exhibit differently from females. Males self-poison with paracetamol or ibuprofen as a way of coping with daily anxieties and fears; the next highest form of self-harm in young men is cutting and hanging. Punching walls or regularly fighting are forms of self-harm that are missed because the behaviour is seen as aggressive rather than emotional.

Published in British Isles