Displaying items by tag: Donald Trump

Friday, 13 January 2017 07:07

Two problems for Trump

The director of the US office of government ethics has criticised Donald Trump's plan to hand control of his business empire to his sons before his inauguration next week. Walter Shaub said that the plan does not match the standards of US presidents over the last forty years, and would not remove conflicts of interest. ‘Every president in modern times has taken the strong medicine of divestiture’, he said, referring to a process whereby Mr Trump would sell off his corporate assets and put the profits into a blind trust run by an independent trustee. The Trump Organisation is an umbrella company for his hundreds of investments in real estate, brands and other businesses. Another problem for the president-elect is the huge and very public rift between himself and the US intelligence community, over its recently-published conclusion that the Kremlin sought to support Trump’s election. Neither side is likely to back off and both may come out damaged. See:

Published in Worldwide
Saturday, 31 December 2016 20:58

Moving from a Great Shaking to a Great Awakening

Dr. Michael Brown (www.askdrbrown.org) is the host of the nationally syndicated "Line of Fire" radio program. In a perceptive article on WND.com mainly referring to last month’s US election, he writes, “By all counts, 2016 was a year of great shaking, perhaps of divine proportions.” He goes on to say that “much of the shaking is the result of the Lord responding to the prayers of His people, who for many years have been asking Him to rock our world (not destroy our world) and wake us up.” He then poses the question, “Could a spiritual movement like this happen again in our day?” His five valuable keys to moving from shaking to awakening that are quoted in full below are important to consider prayerfully:

  1. “To the extent prayer played a role in the shaking of 2016, it must be maintained and even increased. Many Christians prayed fervently in the months leading up to the elections, recognizing how terribly broken our nation was and how desperately we needed divine intervention. But human nature being what it is, once we get past the feeling of crisis, we take our foot off the gas. Now is not the time to let up. To the contrary, we must redouble our prayer focus if we want to see real, lasting change.”
  1. “We must put our hope in the Lord, not Donald Trump. Let’s say that Mr. Trump turns out to be a phenomenal president, appointing terrific Supreme Court justices, effectively fighting terrorism, strengthening our economy (especially in the inner cities), securing our borders and creating compassionate solutions for worthy immigrants, replacing Obamacare with a much better plan, restoring respect for America abroad – and even more. Even if he managed to do all this, which would be more than remarkable, he would not in any way usurp the role of the church, nor could he. He could not turn the hearts of rebels and mockers; he could not restore a spirit of prayer to the church; he could not break the hold of sexual bondages; he could not unite broken families – and on and on the list goes.
So, while we pray for our president to succeed in his mission, we put our trust in the Lord, not him, for spiritual awakening.”
  1. “We must give ourselves to the Great Commission and to changing hearts and minds, especially among young people. Change will not come to America from the top down. It must rise from the grass roots up, and the most effective “weapon” we have, along with prayer, is the gospel. With the Lord’s help, we must make Jesus known to a generation that does not know Him, and we must demonstrate to the world that God’s ways are best – ways of life and harmony and peace.”
  1. “If, in fact, we have been given a divine respite, a reprieve of sorts, we must maximize this opportunity with holy desperation. If we don’t, things could get worse than ever, and in a hurry at that. Along with many other leaders, I do believe that we have been spared what could have been a disastrous Hillary Clinton presidency, in particular when it comes to issues of great concern to the church (especially abortion, religious liberty and the meaning of marriage). But if that is true, then what we do with this respite is of critical importance. Will we redeem the time and maximize the moment, not only on the political and social fronts but on the spiritual and relational fronts as well? Will we seize hold of our liberties and make a real difference? I dread to think of what’s ahead of us if we don’t.
  1. “We must not underestimate the depth of division in our country. The task is massive, and only with the help of the Holy Spirit will we see positive, lasting change. Even if we’re right about God giving us a respite with the Trump election, we cannot forget how divisive he has been as a candidate (and even president-elect) and how these elections have revealed the deep rifts that stand between us, in particular along the lines of sex, race, skin color, age and religion. And while we understand that there will always be deep divisions in a nation of 330 million people, we also understand that as followers of Jesus, we have been given the message of reconciliation, both vertically and horizontally, and it is through a great spiritual awakening that these deep divides can be bridged.”

WND.com, Dec. 27

Let us continue to pray towards a Great Awakening for the USA and for the nations of our world in 2017. May this be a year of great breakthroughs for the Body of Christ worldwide!

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The first 100 Days of the presidency of a newly elected POTUS is critical for setting the platform and for garnering the success of the administration from the start. This year the first 100 days begins on Inauguration Day, January 20th, and runs through April 29th, 2017.

As we look back in the history of the nation, the idea of this time period and setting of administrative priorities stemmed from the first hundred days of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency.

It is critical that we stand together As One for the new administration as it takes power in January. President Trump has an aggressive 100 Day policy. If we do not lift our voice in prayer for this president and his policies, then we will not have a right to complain about what happens during this time frame. Not only that, but we are commanded to intercede first for those in authority over us that we can lead a quiet and peaceable life. (I Timothy 2:1-3).

In that light, a coalition of prayer ministries have banded together to write a prayer guide to cover the first 100 days as part of the As One initiative www.prayasone.org. This is the second major collaboration we have endeavored as national prayer networks. The first involved two separate 40 day periods of prayer walking our cities and neighborhoods that resulted in thousands of people putting feet to their prayers across the America.

Pray100 has a Facebook page as well as Twitter account #pray100. We encourage you to use both of them to request that others join in and post your own prayers for the nation.

Dave Butts

National Prayer Committee


Dave Kubal

Intercessors for America


Lisa Crump

National Day of Prayer


Dick Eastman

Every Home for Christ


Cindy Jacobs

Generals International


John Robb

International Prayer Council


Please pray that President-elect Donald Trump and his Vice-President-elect Mike Pence will seek the Lord for His wisdom and guidance for the very challenging assignment they have been given as the new leaders of the USA. Pray that they will be open to incorporating prayer in the way they conduct White House business and in how they provide leadership to the nation and interact with other nations

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