Displaying items by tag: South Korea

With the current global pandemic, the South Korean government has requested the cancellation of all gatherings taking place.

Therefore, the locals will no longer host a physical gathering in Korea from March 24th-26th. However, we, as a Global Family, believe 2020 is a year of destiny for Korea and desire to stand with our Korean family at this time.

We invite you to participate by joining us on the GATHERING: ONLINE - KOREA taking place this March 26th at 5AM Pacific Time.

Find your local time here

We feel this time together will be a celebration of what God is doing and will continue to do. He is making a wonder out of ONE Korea.

Please note that registration is required to participate in the call.

Click here to register

We are at complete peace, knowing that God is in control of all the shakings. We are humbling ourselves before the Lord to see the fulfillment of the desires of His heart. His thoughts and ways are higher than ours!

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Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:49

South Korea - Prayers for the Church

With ever-escalating political divides and turmoil sadly being superimposed on the church, many churches in Korea have split apart, made strife with one another, and altogether have been too eager to find reasons to be in antagonism rather than in unity.

Well-known leaders of the church publicly denouncing one another has earned the scorn of many and has left the younger generation disillusioned.

Young adults in the church are confused, leaving the church, or downright apathetic. And this is why we believe the turning point is near.

As many are disillusioned, a hopeful number of believers are springing up from various groups and churches all across Korea who believe this is surely the time to get down to our knees. Many are starting to cry out to the Lord with greater resolve to see revival.

Please pray for the Korean church to be united,not by ideological/political sameness but by sameness of our passion for Jesus and His Kingdom.
Please pray that the church would be fervent in our love for the Lord and for one another.
Pray that believers in Korea would diligently live out the calling to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God.
Please pray for those who are at the forefront of bringing unity especially among the leaders, that the Lord would give these reconcilers/intercessors words to convict, change and inspire hearts.

More info:


Becky Park - IPC Leadership Team

Let’s join with many across Korea (and worldwide) in 50 Days of Prayer for Revival for Korea and the Korean Church - September 1 'til October 20th.http://aniprayer.org/2247-2/

Thursday, 25 July 2019 22:47

South Korea: jets fire at Russian aircraft

South Korean F-15 fighter jets, sent to intercept a Russian surveillance plane, fired 360 machine-gun rounds to prevent it from entering the airspace over the disputed Dokdo/Takeshima islands, occupied by South Korea but claimed by Japan. Russia denied violating the airspace, saying two of its bombers carried out a planned drill with China over ‘neutral waters’, and denied any warning shots were fired by South Korean jets. Russian and Chinese bombers and reconnaissance planes have occasionally entered the zone in recent years, but now Japan has confirmed that its military has also deployed fighter jets in response to the Russian incursion. Because it claims sovereignty over the islands, Japan's government said that Russia had violated its airspace. It also said that South Korea's response was extremely regrettable.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 07 June 2019 05:35

East Asia Younger Leaders Gathering

220 younger leaders from China, Mongolia, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Macau, and Hong Kong gathered from 25-28 March in South Korea, for the first-ever Lausanne East Asia Younger Leaders Gathering. Young leaders from every region of East Asia found friendship across and within dividing lines and rediscovered the power of faithful communal witness, focusing on ‘The Essence of the Gospel - Unity in Diversity’. Nearly a quarter of the world’s population live in East Asia, with its full spectrum of political, cultural, geographical, and religious diversity. Their history is fraught with longstanding animosity between nations; but Christianity in the region is full of cross-pollinating friendships. The Korean translation of the Bible was born in China and one of the first leaders of the Korean church was discipled by a Japanese Christian. Today the East Asian Church is utilising the hands and feet, ears, brain, mouth and heart, to bring the gospel to East Asia and beyond - no matter the cost.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 06 September 2018 23:45

Korea: a ‘kairos’ time

On 15 August North and South Korea celebrated their liberation from Japanese occupation in 1948, South Korea celebrated its 70th anniversary as a state founded purposefully as a Christian state, and North Korea also celebrated its formation. Seventy years is a significant time period for God: see A process towards reunification of the north and south was started by a joint declaration in June 2000, which was reaffirmed in April 2018 by the Panmunjom Declaration for peace, prosperity and unification of the Korean Peninsula. The two countries agreed to work towards a peaceful reunification in the future.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 31 May 2018 23:32

North Korea: summit with USA

Kim Yong Chol, a top lieutenant of Kim Jong-Un, is meeting with US secretary of state Mike Pompeo in New York, in one of three sets of parallel talks aimed at salvaging a summit between Kim and Donald Trump. Lower-level officials have been meeting at the inter-Korean border and in Singapore for other pre-summit negotiations. South Korea's president said, ‘Kim Jong-un believes a face-to-face meeting with US President Donald Trump could put an end to the history of war between the two nations.’ Pray that this hope is realised. He also said that Kim had reaffirmed his commitment to ‘complete’ denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula when they had a surprise meeting at the demilitarised zone. Pray for Pyongyang and Washington to agree on a roadmap of talks that will resolve their differences.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 24 May 2018 22:40

North Korea: summit cancelled

President Trump cited 'tremendous anger and open hostility' from North Korea as reasons for cancelling a landmark meeting with Kim Jong-un on 12 June in Singapore. In a letter to Kim he said, ‘It is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting. The world and North Korea have lost a tremendous opportunity for lasting peace and great prosperity and wealth. This missed opportunity is truly a sad moment in history.’ His announcement came two days after he hosted South Korean president Moon Jae-in in Washington for talks widely seen as a salvage effort to ensure the summit went ahead. A statement from Pyongyang referred to vice-president Mike Pence as a ‘political dummy’, and said it is just as ready to meet in a nuclear confrontation as at the negotiating table with the United States.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 19 April 2018 20:57

North Korea: positives to pray for

CIA Director Mike Pompeo recently made a top-secret visit to North Korea as an envoy for President Trump and met that country’s leader, Kim Jong-un. The extraordinary meeting between one of Trump’s most trusted emissaries and the head of a rogue state was part of an effort to lay the groundwork for direct talks between Trump and Kim about North Korea’s nuclear weapons programme. On 18 April respected international media outlets reported that South Korea is considering replacing the current armistice with a formal peace treaty with North Korea. This announcement as South Korean president Moon Jae-in prepared to meet Kim Jong-un on 27 April. Negotiating a peace treaty that replaces the armistice would depend on Pyongyang abandoning its nuclear ambitions. See also

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 23 March 2018 12:54

South Korea: work ethos

South Korea has some of the longest working hours in the world. Government employees work approximately 2,739 hours a year, 1,000 hours more than workers in other developed countries. The Seoul metropolitan government is introducing an initiative forcing employees to leave work earlier. Computers will be powered down at 20:00 on Fridays to stop a ‘culture of working overtime’. The shutdown comes in three phases, beginning on 30 March with computers switched off by 20:00. In April employees computers will be turned off by 19:30 on the second and fourth Friday, then from May onwards all computers will power down by 19:00 every Friday. 67.1% of government workers have asked to be exempt from the forced lights-out. Numerous surveys across the nation have found that stress and long hours of modern office jobs destroy not only health but family life.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 09 March 2018 10:01

North Korea: breakthrough?

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and US president Donald Trump are to meet in person by May, it has been announced, an extraordinary overture after months of mutual hostility. This news came after South Korean officials had held talks with Mr Trump at the White House. They passed a verbal message from Mr Kim, saying the North Korean leader was ‘committed to denuclearisation’. Mr Trump hailed ‘great progress’ but said sanctions would remain in place. South Korea's President Moon Jae-in said the news was like a miracle. ‘If President Trump and Chairman Kim meet following an inter-Korean summit, complete denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula will be put on the right track in earnest’, he said. China welcomed the development, saying the Korean peninsula issue was ‘heading in the right direction’. However, correspondents say the North has halted missile and nuclear tests during previous talks, only to resume them when it felt it was not getting what it demanded. The dramatic announcement came days after a high-ranking South Korean delegation had met Mr Kim in Pyongyang. See

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