Displaying items by tag: United Kingdom

Friday, 09 August 2019 13:10

Men without bars

Ralph Findlay was moved by God to offer a lifeline to some of the UK’s most vulnerable men and created the Christian charity called ‘BLAST Foundation’ to offer inmates and ex-offenders vital training and support, to help free them from the vicious cycles that can result in a lifetime behind bars. As BLAST nears its tenth birthday, a milestone has been marked by a growing awareness of the insufficient assistance available to former prisoners, as well as much-welcomed success stories of lives turned around. They are slashing reoffending rates by building relationships in prison, out through the prison gate and on into the community. Pray for more Christians to support the rehabilitation of prisoners through prayer, volunteering, mentoring and giving.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 09 August 2019 13:09

Church accused of making an 'unholy racket'

Christ Apostolic Church in Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent's monthly late-night worship meetings start at 11pm and finish in the early hours. Their worship on 2 August finished at 4am the next day. Residents, in their pyjamas, went to the church in the middle of the night to object to 'unacceptable' noise levels but their pleas were ignored. One resident said, ‘It woke up half of Hamil Road and could be heard at Stanfield. A lot of people couldn't get back to sleep, especially the elderly. A couple of us went over to ask if they could please lower the music and close the door and the reply was 'no, we have a licence so we will carry on. At 6:25 am the last person left the building. I have no problem with religion but there is a time and place to worship. I'm sure God would not want us to go without sleep.’ Pastor Amos Nuga said he was aware of complaints and would cooperate with the council.

Published in British Isles

Up and down the country there are Christian festivals and conferences over the summer holiday season tailor-made for families, youth, bible study and worship in a variety of uplifting styles; all are united in the belief and declaration that Jesus Christ is Lord. We can pray for the army of volunteer helpers to have an abundance of energy as they serve their brothers and sisters in Christ. Pray for the worship groups to be powerfully anointed, entering the throne room of heaven and taking thousands with them, all worshipping in spirit and truth with fresh expressions of adoration and declaration. Pray for God to protect and inspire the teachers as they share what God has been showing them in their preparations for the event. May all those travelling to and from venues have safe journeys and be powerfully blessed and refreshed while there. The ‘More’ link mentions a few of the many dozens of festivals and conferences.

Published in British Isles

Last week we prayed for God to direct the UK’s defence ministry and the Royal Navy as they organise safe passage through the Strait of Hormuz, either individually or in groups. This week the foreign secretary Dominic Raab announced, ‘The Royal Navy will join a US-led taskforce to protect merchant ships travelling in the Gulf.’ The decision goes against plans laid out by his predecessor, Jeremy Hunt, for a European-led mission in the area which was not favoured by some European countries invited to participate. The US/UK move comes amid growing tensions between the two western powers and Iran over the shipping route in the Strait of Hormuz.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 01 August 2019 23:54

Praying into Bank forecast

The Bank of England's quarterly inflation report predicted modest growth in the coming months amid uncertainty over future relationships with Europe, global trade tensions, and worldwide growth slowdown since 2017. Economists are saying, ‘The bank has pulled into a lay-by, got out of the car, and is awaiting clearer indications of influences it cannot control’. Let us pray to the God who controls our destiny; Deuteronomy 28:12 says, ‘The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none.’ On 1 November, may the UK enter a fruitful season of trade that is blessed by God and aligned to His purposes. Let us ask God to bless businesses with an inspired workforce who embrace opportunities with heaven’s wisdom, so that commerce and industry grow.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 01 August 2019 23:52

Yorkshire, Cheshire and Manchester floods

Heavy rain in northern England has left people stranded and blocked roads and railway lines. Firefighters rescued 22 people from flooded properties in Cheshire and Greater Manchester after days of heavy rain - 19mm of rain fell in eight hours. Rivers have burst their banks and ambulances have been taking injured to hospital. One firefighter, rescuing a child, had to be rescued himself from fast-flowing water. That rescue was described as ‘difficult, involving acts of bravery’. Pray for residents and shop-owners when flood waters subside, leaving buildings full of mud and silt, with possessions ruined. Pray for those who have been evacuated twice in three years, having newly replaced items ruined for a second time. Pray for those who were homeless for almost a year last time, now facing the same trauma.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 01 August 2019 23:50

High Court case over Christian assemblies

Supported by Humanists UK, atheist parents Lee and Lizanne Harris want a judicial review by the High Court into ‘harmful and divisive’ Christian messages taught in Burford Primary School assemblies. They say their children's human rights are breached because the school isn't offering any alternatives when the children are removed from assemblies. The children go into a separate room with a teaching assistant and an iPad. The school is not a faith school, and the parents enrolled their children there believing it would have no religious character. They said, ‘Our children shouldn't have to participate in Christian prayers, or watch biblical scenes such as the crucifixion being acted out, nor should they hear evangelical preachers spouting harmful and divisive messages.’ Humanists UK want an overhaul of the laws surrounding school assemblies. Currently schools must have a daily act of broadly Christian worship.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 01 August 2019 23:47

Building plans threaten nuns

A community of Benedictine nuns is under threat. Developers are seeking permission for a housing estate of 65 homes next to their secluded ancient abbey, where they live simply, with an emphasis on silent and isolated worship. The community provides residential retreats and heritage open days for schools in the historic park and gardens. The nuns are being asked to tolerate an enormous building site alongside the abbey building with its historic park and garden. Revd David Green said the order of around 10 to 15 nuns, whose ages range from 35 to 95, required a quiet environment for worship: ‘The side of the abbey grounds nearest the development houses the nuns’ personal accommodation, cloisters, chapel and burial ground.’ Pray for the public inquiry starting on 20 August to have empathy with the abbey and community.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 01 August 2019 23:45

Seeds of prayer: the seasons

In Israel, August is the beginning of the season of pomegranates. One of the ‘seven species’ (Deuteronomy 8:8), pomegranates are symbolic of blessing and fruitfulness (Numbers 13:23),  providing much needed refreshment when summer is at its hottest and driest. Full of seeds, they remind us that fruitfulness is also about securing future generations. Give thanks that it is the Lord who blesses and makes us fruitful, who sustains us through dry and difficult times, and whose plans for us are always for a ‘future and a hope’ (Jeremiah 29:11). Boris Johnson has pledged more funds to address ‘imbalances that affect rural communities’, with funding for rural schools, supporting rural post offices, and fibre broadband by 2025. He said rural communities will be central to kick-starting the British economy after Brexit. Pray that he and his cabinet will govern so that rural and urban communities lead a quiet and peaceable life.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 01 August 2019 23:40

Iran: UK initiative on Strait of Hormuz

On 29 July Iran said that talks with the USA would be possible if based on an agenda that could lead to tangible results, but Washington is not seeking dialogue. Javad Zarif, Iran’s foreign minister, appealed to Mr Trump to ignore the advice of his hawkish advisers and seek a diplomatic solution to the standoff with Iran. Mr Trump has occasionally expressed interest in negotiations, but will not ease sanctions on Iran. Recently France, Italy, and Denmark gave support for a British plan for a European-led naval mission to ensure safe shipping through the Strait of Hormuz. On 31 July Britain invited military representatives of the US and other countries to a meeting in Bahrain to discuss this initiative. See

Published in British Isles