Displaying items by tag: Donald Trump

Thursday, 03 December 2020 20:05

US election 2020: Trump challenge

Electors from each state meet on 14 December to nominate the next president formally, but Trump wants to overturn the result, and challenges the Pennsylvania result. His legal team claims voters in Democrat-leaning areas were given more opportunities to correct mistakes on their postal ballots than elsewhere, and over 680,000 postal ballots were counted without proper oversight from poll watchers. They lost the case but then took it to a federal appeals court where it was also rejected. The judge said, ‘Calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and proof. We have neither here.’ The team intends taking the case to the Supreme Court. The government's top lawyer, William Barr, said, ‘We have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election.’ Challenges are dropped or settled in most other states as 14 December looms.

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Thursday, 26 November 2020 20:06

USA: Biden’s transition begins

On 24 November, Emily Murphy, the administrator of the General Services Administration, formally designated Joe Biden as the apparent winner of America’s presidential election, providing federal funds and resources to begin an official transition from Trump to Biden. The new president must now fill 4,000 political positions (see). President Trump has spent over two weeks claiming that he had won the election and pushing conspiracy theories about fraudulent voting. He tweeted, ‘Our case STRONGLY continues; we will keep up the good fight, and I believe we will prevail! Nevertheless, in the best interest of our country, I am recommending that Emily and her team do what needs to be done with regard to initial protocols, and have told my team to do the same.’ Pray for swift, smooth and unhindered organising of the president-elect’s packed schedule, particularly the daily security briefing.

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Thursday, 05 November 2020 23:43

USA: election disorder

Donald Trump had previously said if the presidential election were close, he would accuse his opponents of voter fraud and trying to steal victory. Before all votes are counted he has done just that, claiming to have won, and launched a supreme court challenge, baselessly alleging fraud. At the time of writing, Biden is in the lead, but by the slenderest of margins. On 5 November, Trump tweeted, ‘I hereby claim victory’ - despite trailing at the time by 214 votes to 253. Pray for acceptance to replace the anger in people wanting to win more than they want to be right. With the nation on edge, the final result may not be known for days. Pray for peace on the streets.

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Thursday, 08 October 2020 19:45

USA: Donald Trump’s pandemic message

Donald Trump took off his face mask to enter the White House after being hospitalised with coronavirus. This dismissive message - 'don't be afraid of Covid, don't let it dominate your life' - immediately met with angry statements saying he was putting Americans at risk. The American Medical Association warned that 'the only thing we have to fear is complacency'. Meanwhile the 74-year-old tweeted that he was feeling 'better than I did 20 years ago!' On 7 October Trump described his Covid-19 illness as a blessing from God. He wants all Americans to have access to the treatment he was given, even though the drug has not been approved by federal regulators and its use is known to carry a risk affecting behaviour and judgment.  Coronavirus has claimed over 210,000 American lives, and many are saying his message was 'a slap in the face' to bereaved families. He has refused to take part in a TV debate with Joe Biden because it would have to take place virtually.

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Thursday, 01 October 2020 20:27

USA: Trump’s tax

A New York Times investigation of Donald Trump’s taxes show chronic losses and years of tax avoidance. He paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency, and the same amount in his first year in the White House. He paid no income taxes at all in ten years - because he reported losing more money than he made (see) Trump’s hair styling for television was claimed as $70,000 expenses, and $95,464 was the total sum that nine of Trump’s companies have paid to style his wife’s hair. Also $210,000 was written off as expenses to hire a photographer to take photographs at the Mar-a-Lago club. These are just a few of the expenses claimed. In total he paid no taxes in 11 of the 18 years the paper examined. A judge has ruled that his son, Eric Trump, must testify in the tax probe: see

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Thursday, 09 July 2020 20:41

USA: pandemic - what went wrong?

45 days before the first coronavirus case was announced, a global health security index was published, showing how prepared countries were to tackle a serious pandemic outbreak. The USA was ranked best out of 195 nations. Days before Trump’s inauguration, the Obama administration urged his team to get ready for a pandemic that could be the worst since 1918. Warning of possible ventilator shortages, it stressed the importance of a coordinated response. However, the Trump team, ignoring the advice, shut down the White House office devoted to pandemic preparedness set up by Obama. On 18 January health secretary Alex Azar, a practising Christian, warned Trump of potential danger from the virus, but Trump called him an ‘alarmist’, saying it was just one person coming in from China. See

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Conveyed by Brad Long of Presbyterian Reformed Ministries

The United States of America is at a historic inflection point, transcending the political sphere. From where we stand in the present moment, you and I are in the hour of a great move of God and the hour of the power of great evil being unleashed against it. It is the role of the intercessor to stand in the gap and pray through God’s will for the discipling of the nations.

America is a center of the spiritual battle right now with global consequences for the nations and for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Rejoice with us in the opportunity given by the Holy Spirit to intercessors from all nations to uphold the United States and its leaders during its time of crisis!

A Call to Prayer for the USA

The Lord is calling intercessors to pray for the Holy Spirit to Anoint Key People in the Trump Administration to be the Means of National Healing and the Restoration of the United States of America to the Best of its Founding Principles.

After the prayer call on June 4, 2020, I felt that there was a shift in the heavenlies.  Space has been made for national leaders, called by God for such a time as this, to step into an anointed role, not only to restore the foundations of liberty and equality before God upon which the nation of the United States was founded, but to pray the prophetic dream of Martin Luther King Jr. into fulfilment.  We are invited to intercede for the constraining hand of the Holy Spirit against anarchy at high levels that would destroy that order, and for the emerging move of the Holy Spirit beyond merely restoring order, a move that is sure to bring deep healing to the racial and political divides in the nation. 

I felt the Holy Spirit giving me a break and was very peaceful as I went to sleep.  However, as I was drifting off, the Holy Spirit fell on me and I started to speak in tongues, and over and over again I heard the Lord saying to me, “Your assignment has changed.  Now you are to pray for the team that I am raising up around President Trump who will be anointed to bring healing to the nation.” 

Suggestions for Prayer

Let the Holy Spirit guide you as you pray, but here are some suggestions for prayer:

Pray that President Donald Trump would be, and continue to be, willingly, consciously, and humbly submitted to God and to God’s law.

Pray that a recognition and Biblical fear of the Lord – the knowledge of the Glory of God prophesied in Habakkuk  – would be established as the center of American society.

Pray that all ideologies seeking to dethrone God in the nation – left, right, or center – would be unable to gain any ground in the United States.

Pray for national healing to begin to happen as the United States of America discerns and restores the best principles stated in its founding documents.

Pray that God would continue to raise up truth-tellers – and truth lovers – among the media and those watching and listening in the United States and throughout the world.

Pray that the Word of God would be lifted high within the land and would become central to the hearts and lives of Americans.

Pray for the protection of the United States’ form of government, and pray that the Lord would break the deceptions and thwart the intentions of those who would seek to replace that government with forms of tyranny.

Pray that all who curse would find themselves compelled instead to bless.

Pray that violent attacks against churches and synagogues in the land would come to an end and for there to be reverential respect for houses of worship.

So, I started praying into that, for the Lord to raise up the Aarons who can speak for President Donald Trump into this crisis and through them can come the means for healing the nation. 

Well, the Lord showed me this picture and said, “These are the Aarons!! Pray that they with the President will be anointed to speak, as Aaron spoke for Moses.” 

Suggestions for Prayer

Let the Holy Spirit guide you as you pray, but here are some suggestions for prayer:

Pray for those the Lord has raised to advise and influence President Trump in this work of restoration and national healing, including: Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Ben Carson, William Barr, Mark Meadows, Kayleigh McEnany and others who are called but whose names we do not yet know.

Pray that the Lord would anoint them for the task to which he has called them.

Pray that, like Aaron, they would be able to articulate and communicate well.

Pray that the Lord would bring national healing through His words, that God as with Samuel would “let none of them fall to the ground,” and for His works “laid out before the foundation of the World”.

Brad Long

Presbyterian Reformed Ministries

More: https://discernwith.us/an-urgent-call-to-pray-for-the-united-states-of-america

Thursday, 25 June 2020 21:50

America: church, coronavirus, campaigning

Leaders of a megachurch in Phoenix installed air-purifying machines that they claimed ‘kill 99.9% of Covid-19 within ten minutes’ before hosting Donald Trump’s campaign rally on 23 June. They then backtracked shortly before he spoke, causing confusion Senior pastor Barnett said the alleged virus-killing technology, developed by members of their church, ‘ionised the air’ by ‘taking particulates out’ to create a pandemic-free atmosphere. Potential Trump supporters were told, ‘When you come into our auditorium, 99% of Covid is gone, you'll be safe and protected. Thank God for great technology.’ A university professor said the ‘technology’ was not going to do anything to protect people in that space: ‘We’re in the midst of a serious pandemic and health situation; the last thing people need is false information about air cleaning technology.’ May God’s hand direct scientists and academics to end the pandemic with a successful vaccine. 

Published in Worldwide

On 1 June Donald Trump declared himself the ‘law and order president’, vowing to use military might to remove people demonstrating against George Floyd’s murder and the persecution of black people. Tear gas, flash grenades, and rubber bullets were used against peaceful protesters. Then Trump visited a church and held up a Bible. The Bishop of Washington said the president ‘raised the most sacred text of the Judeo-Christian tradition outside a church in my diocese, without permission, as a backdrop for a message opposing the teachings of Jesus’. Jesuit James Martin tweeted, ‘This is revolting. The Bible is not a prop. A church is not a photo op. Religion is not a political tool. God is not your plaything.’ Rabbi Moline said, ‘Seeing President Trump in front of a Church holding the Bible in response to calls for racial justice - right after using military force to clear peaceful protesters - is the most flagrant misuse of religion that I have ever seen.’

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 16 April 2020 21:43

USA: Trump cuts WHO funding

‘It will disappear one day like a miracle’ is how Donald Trump originally described coronavirus. For weeks he assured Americans it was ‘totally under control’. However, the US now has the largest number of confirmed coronavirus cases (644,188). Healthcare workers have medical shortages. Hospitals are overwhelmed. The president is accused of ignoring crisis warnings and misleading Americans. Trump insists he is ‘doing the job right’, using daily briefings to promote his achievements. He has now made the controversial decision to halt funds to the World Health Organisation, accusing it of mismanaging the virus spread. America is WHO’s largest donor. The UN said, ‘It is not the time to reduce resources for any humanitarian organisation in the fight against the virus’. Trump is suspected of attempting (in the lead-up to the presidential election for his second term) to make a case that his previous optimistic statements had been based on inaccurate information from WHO: see

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