Displaying items by tag: China

Thursday, 27 August 2020 21:13

China: ‘brave new world’

The Chinese government is obtaining blood samples from up to 70 million – 10% of all men and boys – as the high-tech surveillance state builds a ‘DNA Skynet’ of the country’s 700 million males. Any individual who refuses to give blood samples risks his family being barred from benefits such as travel, fast internet connection and hospital treatment. The powerful genetic mapping tool, which is being compiled from samples collected since 2017, will join up with China’s existing countrywide video-surveillance network. The system will be capable of tracking every male relative of any individual man just from a sample of his genetic material, such as skin or hair. Only 5-10% of the male population needs to be sampled in order to build a complete genetic map, because one sample unlocks the identity of all related males.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 06 August 2020 22:40

China: typhoon follows floods

On 4 August, Typhoon Hagupit struck while the Yangtze flood levels were still high (see). Two months of heavy continuous rain had caused 433 river levels to rise above flood control lines, devastating 27 of the country's 31 provinces. Thirty-three rivers reached record highs. Economic losses are about 86 billion yuan (£9,404 million) to date. Pray for God to release ongoing support and humanitarian aid to all of the affected areas. Pray for the millions of displaced people to be safe in their shelters, and for a stable future for countless families whose homes and livelihoods are affected.

Published in Worldwide
Saturday, 01 August 2020 15:29

Hong Kong 'seeking arrest' of fleeing activists

Police in Hong Kong are seeking the arrest of six pro-democracy activists living in exile in Western countries, including the UK, media reports say. The group reportedly includes former UK consulate worker Simon Cheng, well-known activist Nathan Law and US citizen Samuel Chu. They are wanted on suspicion of violating a new security law imposed in Hong Kong by Beijing, Chinese state TV reported, calling them "troublemakers".  Hong Kong police declined to comment.

The development comes after legislative elections scheduled for September were delayed for a year by Hong Kong's government on Friday. It said the move was necessary because of a spike in Covid-19 infections, but the opposition accused it of using the pandemic as a pretext. The White House said the move undermined democracy.

Pro-democracy politicians had hoped to capitalise on anger in the Chinese territory about the new security law to win a majority in the Legislative Council (LegCo).  Many in Hong Kong, a former British colony handed back to China in 1997, fear that unique freedoms meant to be guaranteed until 2047 are under serious threat.

The UK and Australia are among countries that have suspended their extradition treaties with Hong Kong in recent weeks. Germany did so on Friday - one of those reported to be on the new "wanted list" has received asylum there.

Who are the 'wanted'?

Chinese state TV network CCTV said six people were wanted on suspicion of inciting secession or colluding with foreign forces - both crimes can be punished with up to life in prison under the new security law.

The six, according to CCTV and Hong Kong media, are:

Simon Cheng, a former employee of the UK's Hong Kong consulate who was recently granted political asylum in Britain.   Nathan Law, 27, a high-profile activist who has fled to the UK.

The Hong Kong residents ready to leave for the UK…

Samuel Chu, a US citizen. He is the son of Reverend Chu Yiu Ming, a Baptist minister who was one of the founders of the 2014 "Umbrella Movement". Mr Chu runs the Washington DC-based Hong Kong Democracy Council and said he last visited Hong Kong in November 2019.  "I might be the first non-Chinese citizen to be targeted, but I will not be the last. If I am targeted, any American and any citizen of any nation who speaks out for Hong Kong can, and will be, too," he said.

The national security law carries extraterritorial provisions that say anyone, including non-Hong Kong residents, can be charged under it.  China says the law is necessary to restore stability and order in the global financial hub.

Ray Wong, a pro-independence activist who fled to Germany in 2017 and is now in Britain, told the BBC that the list of "wanted" exiles had been drawn up to "intimidate" pro-democracy activists who are trying to drum up international support for their cause.

Lau Hong (also known as Honcques Lau), an 18-year-old now in the UK, first came to prominence in November 2017 when he brandished a pro-independence banner next to Hong Kong's leader Carrie Lam.  "Come arrest me in the UK," he was quoted as telling a journalist on Friday.

Wayne Chan, another pro-independence activist, is in an undisclosed country.  "For me, the situation faced by Hong Kongers is even more dangerous than what I face. I can't think too much about my personal safety," he told Reuters news agency.

More info: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-53616583

Pray: that the new security law will be overturned

Pray: for these 6 people and many more who have campaigned for their democratic rights and freedom of speech – that they will not be unjustly treated or imprisoned.

Pray: that the elections will not be unduly delayed, and that the rights and freedoms of the people of Hong Kong will be restored.

Thursday, 30 July 2020 21:39

Asia / USA: floods

Last week you prayed for South Asia’s humanitarian crisis with 9.6 million people affected by monsoon floods (three times more deaths than last year). This week floods took a turn for the worse in Nepal. In China relentless heavy rains have pummelled areas for a month. Yangtze River areas are overwhelmed, causing anxiety along the world's largest hydroelectric power plant, the 2.3-km Three Gorges Dam Already, 40 million people have been uprooted and 400+ rivers have overflowed. The dam, 300 km west of Wuhan, threatens to flood the first city to have been hit by coronavirus. In Texas, Hurricane Hanna has left some areas ‘totally under water’ and knocked out power across a region already reeling from a surge in coronavirus cases. Pray for communities with strained health care systems caused by coronavirus now airlifting patients to larger cities or areas away from floods.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 23 July 2020 21:10

Iran: military alliance with China

Iran intends to build a military base in the Indian Ocean to protect fishing and commercial vessels from piracy and ‘foreign ships’ (referring to the US-led multinational naval task force currently protecting Gulf shipping from Iranian interference). A new agreement will give China access to Iranian ports. China is reportedly planning to build a new military base near Iran’s Chabahar port to enable the Chinese navy to monitor the activities of the US navy, which protects shipping passing through the Strait of Hormuz, one of the world's most important economic waterways. Any expansion in Iranian and Chinese military activity in the region would impact on the jointly-administered US / UK base on the island of Diego Garcia, one of the most important US military assets in the region. Tehran also plans to sign a $400 billion trade deal with China, which includes closer military cooperation between them to counter ‘Washington's dominance’.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 16 July 2020 21:13

South China Sea dispute

Six Asian countries have competing claims on the South China Sea, but only China has backed its claims with artificial island-building, military bases and naval patrols. The USA has not taken sides in the territorial dispute, but sends military ships and planes near disputed islands, for ‘freedom of navigation’ operations to help key shipping and air routes. Both countries have accused each other of ‘militarising’ the area, and have long been at odds over maritime freedom. US secretary of state Mike Pompeo has now called China's pursuit of offshore resources ‘completely unlawful’, condemning Beijing's ‘campaign of bullying to control’ disputed waters that are potentially energy-rich with reserves of natural resources around them in a shipping route and major fishing ground. There are fears that the area is becoming a flashpoint, with potentially serious global consequences of a military response. See https://www.foxnews.com/world/china-accuses-us-confrontation-south-china-sea

Published in Worldwide

Although emigration is increasing because of the new national security law, many people will leave not because of communism or a lack of unfettered democracy, but due to never-ending disruption to their lives and careers and their children’s future. In October 2019 an annual survey of attitudes towards migration found 42.3% of Hong Kong respondents wanted to emigrate - mostly to Canada, Australia or Taiwan. It was 33% in 2018. Decades of political and economic uncertainty, combined with entrenched unresolvable divisions between people pleased to be rejoined with the mainland and those who still hanker for former colonial rule, has caused uncertainty and unrest. Hong Kong’s population planners concentrate on birth and death rates, but a meaningful force for population change has been migration. With little hope of earning enough to buy a family home, many may decide they have little to lose. Hong Kong’s property cartel is pushing inequality to the brink.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 02 July 2020 21:05

UK will honour Hong Kong passport promise

Dominic Raab says that China’s new laws (see world article 3 below), cementing its control over Hong Kong, are a serious violation of the 1997 agreement about Hong Kong's future. Boris Johnson has said he will now make it possible for those with British National Overseas status to enter the UK, with limited leave to live and work and apply for British citizenship. The ‘new bespoke immigration route’ means an eligible Hong Kong resident could move to the UK without the current limits, and would be able to live and work in the UK for five years. After that they (and their dependents) could apply for settled status and eventual citizenship. China firmly opposes this and reserves the right to take corresponding measures. Australia is also considering offering a safe haven for Hongkongers.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 02 July 2020 20:47

Hong Kong: security law passed

China has passed a controversial national security legislation for Hong Kong that will cover acts of ‘secession, subversion, terrorism and interference by foreign powers in the territory's internal affairs’ while allowing mainland China’s intelligence agencies to establish themselves there. Critics say this will outlaw dissent and destroy the autonomy and freedoms promised in the Sino-GB agreement when Hong Kong was returned to China in 1997. The draft of the law was announced on the anniversary of this event, symbolically implying that China is in charge and its leaders will do whatever they deem necessary to protect Hong Kong. On 1 July police fired water cannon and tear gas while arresting 300+ people protesting in defiance of the sweeping legislation, and a ‘dissident’ was arrested at the airport before boarding a plane to the UK. Amnesty International warned, ‘China's aim is to govern Hong Kong through fear from this point forward’. 

Published in Worldwide

Christian human rights campaigner Benedict Rogers has spoken of his heartache for the future of Hong Kong after Beijing passed the contentious national security law.

Rogers, East Asia Team Leader at Christian Solidarity Worldwide, said the passing of the legislation was "heartbreaking" and represented a "grave threat" to the freedoms of the territory.

The development, he added, has left Hong Kongers "in fear" for their future, safety and freedoms.

"Twenty-three years ago today, Hong Kong was handed over to China with the promise that Hong Kong's way of life, basic freedoms and the high degree of autonomy would be protected under the 'One Country, Two Systems' principle ... that is valid for the first 50 years after the handover until 2047," he said.

"And yet today, less then halfway through the lifespan of that promise, the Chinese Communist Party has flagrantly broken that promise to the people of Hong Kong and breached that international treaty.

"The imposition of the national security law on Hong Kong poses a grave threat to Hong Kong's basic freedoms, which have already been seriously eroded over recent years."

Rogers criticised the way in which the legislation was passed by China's National People's Congress rather than the Hong Kong legislature, saying it "seems to bring an end" to the high degree of autonomy promised to the region.

However, he went on to share a message of hope with the people of Hong Kong as he spoke of the "unexpected" victories that he had encountered in his many years of campaigning for human rights.

"Even though you may be entering into a period of great darkness and grave danger, do not lose hope," he said.

"History shows that no dictatorship lasts forever.  I've been involved in other struggles for freedom and freedom has come sometimes when we don't even expect it.  Unexpected victories, unexpected dawns come.

"I've seen countries freed [where] I didn't necessarily think [that] would happen.  And I believe the same can happen for the people of Hong Kong, and for all the people of China."

Pray for the people of Hong Kong – that they will remain resilient amidst the pressures and uncertainties that this new law has imposed.

Pray for democracy, the 50 year promise and freedom of speech to be respected in Hong Kong.

Pray for the Christian clergy, many of whom have campaigned for the pro-democracy movement – that they will not be detained or put on trial.

See also: https://www.christiantoday.com/article/fears.for.hong.kong.clergy.under.beijing.national.security.law/135081.htm