‘Golden age’ for Aleppo church

Written by David Fletcher 18 Nov 2016
‘Golden age’ for Aleppo church

Many Christians have fled from Aleppo to Lebanon. In Kristina’s church, only 10% of the original congregation are left, but the church is full as displaced people take their place - especially Muslims. She says, ‘Muslims were surprised to see churches offering support and programmes for all Syrians, not just Christians.’ Many have dropped their hostility towards Christians and are re-thinking their faith. A growing number of Muslim children are attending children’s activities, where the Bible is opened daily. Gradually Muslim families have joined church activities. Kristina speaks of a ‘golden age’ for the Middle East Church. ‘Muslims are coming to us. The only thing we have to do is tell them the good news; they are waiting for it’, she says.

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  • Praise: God for the witness of the Church in Aleppo and Syria at this time, and for the many Muslims who are coming to faith in Jesus Christ through this witness and the care of Christians around them. (Ps.40:3)