Hope for USA’s soul

Written by David Fletcher 11 Nov 2016
Hope for USA’s soul

Many people have become discouraged for America’s future during this election season. Many have struggled to be optimistic amidst the divisiveness seeming to plague the country. Pastor Rick Warren sees solid reason for hope, and specifically lists five reasons he believes are grounds to hope for a ‘spiritual rebirth for America’. First, faith often grows the most in dark times: people realise they need God when times are hard. Second, the ‘millennial’ generation is spiritually hungry and seeking real purpose and community. Third, there are millions of God-fearing people living in America, living devoutly for God every day without fanfare - not out of guilt or fear or duty, but in gratitude and love to God for their transformed lives. Fourth, contrary to popular opinion, more people are turning to faith rather than to secularism. Lastly, God’s promise to hear prayer still applies.

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