A man raised from the dead

Written by David Fletcher 14 Oct 2016
A man raised from the dead

This story was recently told by David Platt in Tennessee. A southeast Asian believer trained by Southern Baptist missionaries began sharing the Gospel in a village that previously was totally unreached. The villagers responded attentively, but then the village leader died, and they superstitiously believed his death was caused by evil spirits upset by Christian activities. Discouraged by the turnaround, the Christians went to express their condolences at the leader’s house. Standing over the fallen leader, they prayed that God would show His mercy to the people in the village, and show His glory and His love to them. As they were praying the man coughed! Then he started breathing once more. They shared the Gospel, people started coming to faith in Christ, and the villagers starting burning their idols. Platt acknowledged that there is no medical evidence to verify the resurrection, but said, ‘I do know at villages like this, they know how to recognise death.’

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