Revival in Iran

Written by David Fletcher 19 Aug 2016
Revival in Iran

There is a side to Iran that the media does not cover. We do not hear about the Iranians who love America, Israel and Jesus Christ. CBN News Middle East Bureau Chief, Chris Mitchell spoke with some Iranian believers in central Turkey. ‘When someone gets baptised in this house church, people clap and cheer like fans at a football match. While they have suffered persecution and often fled for their lives, they still possess an infectious and joyous faith.’ Iranian believer Raizal said ‘Growing up, the name Jesus Christ was always on my mind. It wasn't long before I started liking Christianity. It was really sweet to me, the feelings, the stories, everything. So by the time I was 15, I believed in Him and became a Christian.’ He also told CBN that a great revival is underway within Iran. In 1994 there were about 100,000 believers; now there are three million.

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  • Praise: God for what the Holy Spirit is doing amongst unreached people groups across the nations. (Is.11:12)