British Isles: visions, prayers & doughnuts 24/7

Written by Linda Digby 29 Jul 2016
British Isles: visions, prayers & doughnuts 24/7

In a recent 24/7 update from the University of Liverpool, they reported, EVERY DAY THERE WERE PEOPLE SAYING, ‘I WISH MY HOUR HADN’T GONE BY SO FAST!’ The organisers said, ‘We wanted to create a space where people could be themselves and meet with a God who meets them where they are. So, over our Spring semester we ran a Prayer Room. We invited students from across the city to come as they were. Shaking off our preconceptions of prayer, we encouraged everyone to paint, draw, sing, dance, laugh or cry - whatever helped them to connect with their Creator. Many discovered that prayer is more than they ever thought; it helped them to discover new ways to pray. Students prayed on their own and in groups, for their campuses, the city and the world. Over three days a blank wall of paper was filled with visions of love, pouring out through the city of Liverpool - the city which birthed the phrase, ‘All you need is love’.

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