Fifty-four enforced slaves finally home

Written by David Fletcher 01 Jul 2016
Fifty-four enforced slaves finally home

After four months as slave labour on fishing boats, 54 men are finally home. International Justice Mission (IJM) started a project earlier this year to combat a slave trafficking crisis in Cambodia. Traffickers use deception, threats or violence to trap people into forced labour slavery. Men are trafficked across borders and trapped on fishing or shrimp vessels. In this case, 54 Cambodian men took jobs to work ‘legally’ on Thai ships fishing in Malaysia. Instead they were carried into Indonesian waters. Authorities seized and detained them for illegally poaching fish. They were bewildered, hungry, and stripped of their phones and documentation papers, in a cramped detention centre. One month later, in June, a coordinated multi-organisational effort repatriated the men. IJM is working with authorities to trace the Cambodian recruiter who might still be preying on impoverished men and women seeking work outside the country, and to ensure that all the men are reunited with their families and find safe jobs.

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