Refugee children from Europe

Written by David Fletcher 06 May 2016
Refugee children from Europe

Last week's Prayer Alert reported that the Government had defeated an amendment to the immigration bill proposing that the UK accept 3,000 child refugees from Europe in addition to those it has promised to take from Syria. There are many unaccompanied children who escaped to Europe and are in need of loving homes. This week David Cameron changed his mind and said that the UK will take in more unaccompanied Syrian refugee children from Europe, although he did not commit to a specific figure. Ministers will talk to councils before deciding how many can be resettled. Labour said that the announcement, made at Prime Minister's Question Time, did not go far enough and more action was needed.

Additional Info

  • Praise: God for a change of attitude. Pray that this will not be a token gesture, and that thousands of vulnerable children stranded in Europe will be rescued and resettled appropriately. (Ps.72:4)