Holy Spirit touches soldiers on front line

Written by David Fletcher 29 Apr 2016
Holy Spirit touches soldiers on front line

‘I was with my family, whom I hadn't seen in 13 weeks, and was soon to graduate from the Marine Corps boot camp in San Diego, California, when a man walked up and thanked me for helping his son return to the Lord. While in the service, I found myself witnessing in many non-traditional forms. I led a prayer group at boot camp and marched recruits to chapel services, all as a previously burned-out youth pastor with plans to become a chaplain. Later, while I was training for deployment to Iraq as a field radio operator, a close friend of mine gave me the call sign “Preach”, which stuck. The call sign was a term of endearment as well as a fresh reminder of God's call on my life. I was amazed to experience first-hand the fulfilment of the prophecies in Joel 2:28-29 and Acts 2:17-19. Wherever I went, I witnessed God speaking to men and women in uniform. He even spoke in dreams to fellow infantrymen while they were on training operations in the field leading up to deployment.’

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