Former Muslim reclaiming what the enemy has stolen

Written by David Fletcher 11 Mar 2016
Former Muslim reclaiming what the enemy has stolen

Shahid (not his real name) recently shared a picture showing him baptising new converts to Christianity on the same shores of North Africa where IS beheaded 21 Coptic Christians in February 2015. Shahid is proof that God is moving powerfully across parts of Muslim-majority Middle East and North Africa. He is from Libya and grew up a devout Muslim, attending schools where a strict interpretation of Islamic jurisprudence was taught. He became an expert in the Quran, memorising the entire Muslim holy book, but the closer he examined the Muslim laws, the more he became disillusioned with what he read. Desperate and despondent, he decided to abandon the faith of his childhood and become an atheist. Then he came across Kingdom SAT, Leading The Way's 24-hour satellite channel, which broadcasts Christian teaching across the Muslim world. Shahid secretly connected with Christians in Lebanon and Jordan and was eventually introduced to Jesus Christ.

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