USA: Alabama ordered to uphold sanctity of marriage amendment

Written by David Fletcher 22 Jan 2016
USA: Alabama ordered to uphold sanctity of marriage amendment

Although the Episcopal Church in the USA allows its clergy to perform same-sex marriages, Chief Justice Roy Moore has ordered the reaffirming of the marriage law in Alabama with an administrative order saying, ‘Alabama probate judges have a ministerial duty not to issue any marriage license contrary to the Alabama Sanctity of Marriage Amendment. Confusion and uncertainty exist among the probate judges of this State. Many judges are issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples; others are issuing marriage licenses only to couples of the opposite gender or have ceased issuing all marriage licenses.’ Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel said, ‘In Alabama and across America, state judiciaries and legislatures are standing up against the federal judiciary or anyone else who wants to come up with the view that somehow the Constitution now births some newfound notion of same-sex marriage. The opinion of five lawyers on the US Supreme Court regarding same-sex marriage is lawless and without legal or historical support.’

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