112 people per second open a Bible app

Written by Linda Digby 11 Dec 2015
112 people per second open a Bible app

Every second, the world conducts 40,000 Google searches, creates five new Facebook profiles, and opens YouVersion’s Bible App 112 times. In the app, three bookmarks are created, four verses are shared, and 18 verses are highlighted. More than fifty Bible chapters are listened to, and 342 chapters are read. YouVersion was launched in 2008 and now has 200 million installs, offering the Bible in 1,200 versions and 900 languages. Mobile devices are being changed into Bibles that people carry with them everywhere they go. 200 million installs represents countless moments of individuals transformed by their time in the Bible. The most popular Bible verse is Romans 12:2: ‘Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is - His good, pleasing, and perfect will.’

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