The power of a booklet in the refugee crisis

Written by Linda Digby 16 Oct 2015
The power of a booklet in the refugee crisis

In the worst of times God is at work. There’s proof of that with the refugee crisis. Hundreds of thousands have poured into Europe, legally and illegally, some to opened arms to the persecuted, some to closed gates. ‘All sorts of churches and ministries are reaching out,’ says Helen Williams of World Missionary Press. Churches, even in unwelcoming countries, are opening arms, accepting refugees and providing for them. In Hungary several churches went to train stations to give out food, clothing and the Gospel in Hungarian and translated languages to the flood of refugees. Other church groups and a Bible college are also ministering to refugees with the gospel. One of their favourite booklets to give is How to Know God, which was written specifically for Muslims. Almost every person that they gave it to received it gladly. So far they have given away 12,000 Scripture booklets in 10 different languages.

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