Myanmar: Flooding fails to stop local Christians

Written by Linda Digby 13 Aug 2015
Myanmar: Flooding fails to stop local Christians

Myanmar flooding has killed over 100 people in the last 14 days. Fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters left behind are trying to survive without access to food or clean water. People are crying out to their Buddhist and animist gods for help. One million people have been affected by Myanmar’s severe flooding that has never happened on this level before. Houses are underwater, landslides are destroying any remaining roads and people are staying in schools and monasteries. Six indigenous ministries assisted by Christian Aid Mission are responding – sending teams of church members to remote villages. They’re often the first ones to arrive with supplies; making a major difference with food, tarpaulins, clothing and sharing the Truth of the Gospel. Survivors want to know, ‘Why are you helping me? You’re in the same boat as me.’ It’s a powerful testimony, and many come to Christ as a result of it.

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