Boko Haram members come to Jesus

Written by Linda Digby 15 Jul 2015
Boko Haram  members come to Jesus

Boko Haram is not driving Christians away. Evangelists have expanded church planting in
Nigeria's northeast by meeting the needs of displaced people. Their courage has seen
members of Boko Haram repenting and putting their faith in Christ. Boko Haram is killing
people, but this indigenous ministry is discreetly working in villages and in camps for
the internally displaced. They are offering humanitarian assistance and proclaiming
Christ at a time when few are bold enough to do so. ‘There are 70,000+ people in the
camps, so it is a mission field for us,’ said the director of the indigenous ministry.
‘We used to reach them with the gospel in their villages, but now we reach them with the
gospel, food, medicine and Bibles.’ Former Boko Haram members are being discipled in
safe-havens and have shown a strong interest in learning the Bible, ridding themselves of
anything grievous to God and becoming spiritually grounded so they can reach other

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