Christian professors help Omar face life outside prison

Written by Admin 2 24 Jun 2015
Christian professors help Omar face life outside prison

Known by some as a wrongfully imprisoned child soldier and by others as a terrorist and murderer, Omar Khadr is free after nearly 13 years in prison. The 28-year-old, accused of war crimes and imprisoned since he was 15, was released on bail on 7 May. A group of Christian educators are applauding the decision, and continuing their quest to help Khadr upgrade his schooling. Arlette Zinck, a professor at The King’s University in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada first heard Khadr’s story from his lawyer in 2008. He spoke of a profoundly wounded teen with a fist-sized bullet hole in his chest, who was nicknamed ‘buckshot’ by guards because of the many shrapnel wounds in his body, and made to carry heavy pails of water until his wounds wept. He experienced sleep deprivation and cruelties of cold temperatures. Despite all this he had never spoken an ill word about anyone. To read the full story of a Canadian child taken to Afghanistan click the ‘More’ button.